
Membership Form

21 Jul 2020

Open Browser on your device. Type www.teambdf.org


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To be a member, click Login & Signup [https://cutt.ly/O3PvdJs]

Follow Button : Create New Account. click here 


Fill the box to provide information and create a unique password. 

*** Password is not any Email or other password. It can be any to use for this account on the BDF website.

Account created successfully. Then PAY & Activate and enjoy your membership with BDF palladium services.

PAYMENT Process : (Through BKASH)

Bkash Make Payment - BD 2500 Taka TO 01313780000 (BDF Merchant Account Number) [Bkash Reference: Your Name, BMDC No.] 

[NOTE: One Time payment for One year. Payment related issues please inform & contact - 01313781781, Accounts & Finance, BDF]

DOWNLOAD  BDF360 apps on your android device. [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bdf360]

Tap to Menu button. Login & Sign Up

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After Email and Account verification. 

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