
About BDF Trust

22 Jul 2020

“I SOLEMNLY PLEDGE to dedicate my life to the service of humanity”, with this vow in our hearts, we the doctors, obligate our entities to aid the comfort of the distressed mankind. But to ensure our wellbeing, when it is at stake due to insufficient resources or funding, we must stand together for each other with concrete unity.

Enlightened with this idea and love of fraternity in heart, Bangladesh Doctors’ Foundation Trust (BDF trust) set foot on 20th June, 2019 as a wing of Bangladesh Doctors Foundation (BDF). Within a very time, it has successfully reached numerous members of doctor community in their weal and woes, specially in this global pandemic. Starting from arranging COVID-19 tests for doctors and their families to managing admission of critical patients, donor for convalescent plasma therapy, oxygen cylinder home service. BDF Trust has left no stones unturned for the ease of our doctors. It has had remarkable activities before this crisis also, of them sponsoring underprivileged meritorious medical students is noteworthy. In near future, it plans to establish a full-fledged well equipped hospital for Doctors.

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