
Message from Member Secretary

21 Jul 2020

Dear Doctors,

Assalamu Alaikum. Bangladesh Doctors’ Foundation started its journey on June 20, 2019 to regain the rights of physicians. At first, the journey wasn’t smooth, we had to overcome many conspiracy and obstacles. Another milestone that we touched in our first raising day is to inaugurate our very own website. Today in this memorable and auspicious day I express my heartiest congratulations to all the respected doctors and beloved members of student wing. Because of all of your active participation, cooperation and love BDF has achieved its today’s position, has become another name of doctor fraternity. I hope and believe your endeavors will continue in future as well and inshaAllah we will be able to secure the rights of doctors. I wish all of your success and prosperity. Allah Hafez.

Dr Tazin Afroz Shah

Member  Secretary 

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