
Message from Advisor (Prof Dr Abdullah Baqui)

21 Jul 2020

Bangladesh Doctors’ Foundations is a platform of young and enthusiastic Doctors which thinks about Doctor's rights and work place safety, constitutional right of all classes of Doctors. In recent time, Doctors are facing various difficulties at their work place of both Government and private sectors. Some of them are: Irregularities about Salary Scale of Non-government Doctors, uncertainty of Jobs, no organized and healthy environment of post Graduate Trainee Doctors, no privileged treatment facilities for Doctors and their families, no aids for critically ill juniors and economically insolvent Doctors when they suffer from life threatening diseases. BDF is formed by Some Doctors who are truly dedicated to Sacrifice their efforts, time and energy selflessly to Solve the problems of Doctors Community, to uphold the lost honor of our Community, to help the oppressed Doctors, to work together with Policy makers, producing Doctors’ Safety Law to ensure Doctors’ safety at work place. BDF wants to reform and develop the Health System which will ensure Doctors Safety, patients’ proper treatment facilities and a systemic and honorable job System of doctors in Private sector. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to our honorable Prime Minister for recruiting thousands of doctors in recent years which has played a great role to the employment issues of the newly graduated doctors. Finally, I hope that BDF’s goals will be achieved through their united efforts, honesty, proper fellow feelings and good leadership. I Pray to Almighty so that they may achieve their goals and hope that the Doctors would be able to work with proper honor, safety and under a good Health System. I Appeal to all Doctors to work together for this goal. We are expressing our deep mourn, honor and gratitude to the COVID front fighters who have recently sacrificed their lives to protect the nation. May Almighty bless us all and save us all from this Corona Disaster.

Professor Baqui Billah


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