
BDF Health Bulletin - September 2021

12 Oct 2021

DENGUE CASES ARE RAISING IN EVERY ALTERNATIVE YEAR A sharp spike in dengue cases is travailing Bangladesh’s fragile healthcare system that is already weakened by the worsening coronavirus crisis in the country. There has been a surge in the number of dengue patients seeking treatment in various hospitals. Dengue is the most rapidly spreading mosquito borne viral disease, also considered as a major public health concern. The increasing incidence of dengue become a further threat to dengue endemic countries of southeast Asia and Latin America. The global burden of dengue is dynamic, estimated 50 million real cases per year across 100 countries approximately. Currently, most of the countries are fighting against COVID-19. Therefore, further outbreak of dengue has been constituted further practical challenges to combat the diseases simultaneously (3). In Bangladesh, dengue outbreaks are on the increase despite the efforts of the government, and it is not clear what the understanding of the general Dhaka population is towards dengue fever (4). However, various factors are contributing to the increase in dengue cases. According to entomologist Professor Kabirul Bashar of Jahangirnagar University, there is usually zigzag pattern in the rise and fall of dengue every alternative year. While one year, the number of cases may be very high, the next year the situation might not be as bad. And the year after that, there might be another spike. There is similar pattern between 2019 and 2021. The scenario of 2019 had been grim, in 2020 the spread of dengue had been significantly low. According to DGHS 101,354 dengue cases and 179 deaths had been reported in 2019. 

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