
500 Doctors Infected with Covid-19: Bangladesh Doctors’ Foundation

10 Nov 2021

500 Doctors infected with Covid-19: Bangladesh Doctors’ Foundation

With the number of Covid-19 deaths and infections rising in the country, the number of doctors infected with the virus is also going up fast.

At least 500 doctors have been infected with Covid-19 so far, Dr Nirupam Das, chief administrator of Bangladesh Doctors' Foundation said.

Lack or poor quality of personal protective equipment (PPEs), community transmission and tendency of some patients to hide their disease history and symptoms are to be blamed for this, he said.

Besides infection, some 600-700 doctors are also in home or institutional quarantine, he added.

Link : https://www.thedailystar.net/500-doctors-infected-with-coronavirus-covid-19-in-bangladesh-1898275


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